• Near radiant heat (appliances,
windows, etc.)
Thermostat/Sensor Location
Location of the thermostat or zone sen-
sor is an important element of effective
room control and comfort.
• Near concealed pips or chimneys
• On outside walls or other
non-conditioned surfaces.
The best location is typically on a wall,
remote from the HVAC unit. Readings at
this location assure that the desired set-
point is achieved across the space, not
just near the unit itself. It may be neces-
sary to subdivide the zone to ensure
adequate control and comfort.
• In air flows from adjacent zones or
other units.
See Figure 36 for detailed areas where
the thermostat or zone sensor should
and should not be mounted.These
• Near drafts or “dead spots”
(Behind doors or corners)
• Near hot or cold air ducts
Figure 36: Proper thermostat and sensor location.
Part Number
• 3-stage heat/2-stage cool with AUTO-
• Non Programmable
X13511091010 - thermostat
X13511092010 - subbase
• Fan switching includes FAN ON-AUTO
• 2 LEDs
• Auto compatible with F or C
(072 - 150/240 models only)
temperature readings
Zone Sensor
•Tracer ZN510 and ZN524 compatible
• Internal setpoint adjustment wheel
• Communication Jack
Zone Sensor
•Tracer ZN510 and ZN524 compatible
• External setpoint adjustment wheel
• Communication Jack
Zone Sensor
•Tracer ZN510 and ZN524 compatible
• External setpoint adjustment wheel
• Communication Jack
• ON and CANCEL buttons
Zone Sensor
•Tracer ZN510 and ZN524 compatible
• External setpoint adjustment wheel
• Communication Jack
• ON and CANCEL buttons
• Fan switch AUTO-OFF
Pump Module
The pump module and hose kit make a
complete self-contained pumping pack-
age for distributed pumping systems.
These kits contain all the necessary
components for the installation, opera-
tion and maintenance of the water cir-
cuit of a closed loop geothermal appli-
cation. Standard pump module features
include insulated Grundfos pumps,
insulated cabinet, bronze or cast iron
pump, and 3-way brass valves.The
module is factory piped, wired and
mounted. See Figure 40 for pump mod-
ule assembly. Literature number
WSHPC-IN-5 (72-9006-03) will provide
electrical and dimensional require-
ments for the PMCA and PMBA prod-
Motorized Water Valve
The motorized water valve is installed
on the return line of the water loop sys-
tem between the loop and the loop’s
pump module.This isolation device is
less expensive and a very effective
alternative to the water regulating
When the compressor begins running,
the valve will open, allowing water to
flow through the unit. As the compres-
sor shuts down, the valve slowly closes
off.The main purpose of the motorized
valve is to shut-off the flow of water
through the unit when the unit is off,
thus reducing water consumption.The
motorized valve is fast opening to pre-
vent compressor trip-out, and slow
closing to prevent water hammer.
Figure 38: Pump module hose kit
Water Regulating Valve
The water regulating valve assembly
consists of a direct acting valve and a
reverse acting valve installed on the
water-out side of the unit.The valve
connection sizes shall range from 1/2"
to 1 1/2" FPT.The direct acting valve
opens in response to an increase in dis-
charge pressure during the cooling
cycle.The reverse acting valve opens in
response to a decrease in suction pres-
sure during the heating cycle. Water
regulating valves should be used where
low flow and low or high fluid tempera-
ture conditions could occur. See page
29 of this manual for application infor-
mation.This option is beneficial with
open loop systems, but not necessary.
Figure 37: Pump module
Figure 40: Motorized water valve
Pump Module Hose Kit
The pump module hose kit consists of
two brass, 3/4 or 1-inch male pipe
thread (MPT) -by-barb fittings; two
brass 90 degree 1-inch, MPT-by-barb
elbows with pressure/temperature
ports; and 10 feet of rubber hose with 4
hose clamps.The pump module hose
kit is available separately from the
pump module.
Figure 39: Water regulating valve
Ducted Panel
Hose Kits
The return-air arrangement may be
easily converted from a free return-air
system, to a ducted return-air system
with the addition of a return-air side
panel. By replacing the filter racks with
the return-air panel, a complete seal
from the duct to the unit is possible.
The 1-1/2"(38mm) duct flange facili-
tates ease of field connection to the
mechanical system.This accessory is
typically used when the return-air filter
is placed in a built-in ceiling grille, or
Trane provides three hose kit selections for equipment balancing.
• Ball valve flow control (manual)
• Circuit setter flow control (manual)
• Automatic flow control (automatic)
Each selection provides some accuracy in equipment balancing. Range of accuracy
consist of 25% for the ball valve method, 20% for the circuit setter method, and
10% for the automatic flow control method.
Utilizing the ball valve method, the pressure/temperature measurement on the
leaving and entering side of the heat pump is measured within the water piping.
The ball valve is then throttled to change the amount of flow to the unit to reach
placed within a field provided filter rack the desired temperature or pressure differential.
The circuit setter method combines both the readout and the adjustment feature in
one device. In order to determine flow rate, the user must record both handle posi-
tion, and differential pressure drop.Then, the user must consult a chart containing
both pieces of information to make the necessary adjustments to the circuit setter.
For automatic system balancing of a water-source heat pump, the Mesurflo® self
balancing kit provides a constant flow rate over the pressure differential rage of 2
to 80 psid. As system pressure changes (through further addition of heat pumps,
for example) each individual flow control valve will automatically adjust to the new
system conditions. In variable water volume applications, a self balancing hose kit
can provide continuous balancing because of its ability to automatically adjust to
the varying system conditions. For more information pertaining to the automatic
balancing hose kits, see literature
documentation WSHP-SLB005-EN.
Figure 41: Return-air duct panel
(in/mm) (in/mm)
4474 1133 0100
4474 1134 0100
4474 1135 0100
4474 1136 0100
4475 2119 0100
4475 2121 0100
Figure 42: System balancing hose kits.
than 25 and a smoke developed classi-
fication of less than 50 per ASTM E-84
and UL 723.
Equipment shall be completely assem-
bled, piped, internally wired, fully
charged with HCFC-22 and test operat-
ed at the factory. Filters, thermostat
field interface terminal strip, and all
safety controls are furnished and facto-
ry installed.
The refrigerant tubing shall be of 99%
pure copper.This system shall be free
from contaminants and conditions such
as drilling fragments, dirt and oil. All
refrigerant and water lines shall be
insulated with an elastomeric insulation
that has a 3/8-inch thick wall in the air-
side section of the unit.
Access for inspection and cleaning of
the unit drain pan, coils and fan section
shall be provided.The unit shall be
installed for proper access.
The system water inlet and outlet con-
nections shall be female NPT com-
posed of either a copper or a bronze
One inch or two inch, throwaway
filters shall be standard and factory
installed.The filters shall have an aver-
age resistance of 76-percent and dust
holding capacity of 26-grams per
square foot.
Refrigerant Circuits
The refrigerant circuit shall contained a
thermal expansion device. Service pres-
sure ports shall be factory supplied on
the high and low pressure sides for
easy refrigerant pressure or tempera-
ture testing.
The 5-ton and below equipment shall
contain ETL, CETL and ISO-ARI 13256-1
listings and labels prior to leaving the
factory. Larger units shall be rated in
accordance with ISO-ARI 13256-1.
Service and caution area labels shall
also be placed on the unit in their
appropriate locations.
Sound Attenuation
Sound attenuation shall be applied as a
standard feature in the product design.
The sound reduction package shall
include a compressor discharge muffler,
vibration isolation to the compressor
and water-to-refrigerant coil, unit base
stiffeners, insulated metal compressor
enclosure, and a second stage of vibra-
tion isolation to the compressor and
water-to-refrigerant base pan.
Air-to-Refrigerant Coil
Internally finned, 3/8-inch copper tubes
mechanically bonded to a configured
aluminum plate fin shall be standard.
Coils shall be leak tested at the factory
to ensure the pressure integrity.The
coil shall be leak tested to 200 psig and
pressure tested to 450 psig.
The 6 through 10-ton equipment shall
contain ETL, CETL and ISO-ARI 13256-1
listings and labels prior to leaving the
factory. Larger units shall be rated in
accordance with ISO-ARI 13256-1.
Service and caution area labels shall
also be placed on the unit in their
appropriate locations.
The tubes are to be completely evacu-
ated of air and correctly charged with
proper volume of refrigerant prior to
shipment.The refrigerant coil distributor
assembly shall be of orifice style with
round copper distributor tubes.The
tubes shall be sized consistently with
the capacity of the coil. Suction header
shall be fabricated from rounded cop-
per pipe.
All units shall be tested and rated in
accordance with ARI 260.
Unit casing shall be constructed of zinc
coated, heavy gauge, galvanized steel.
Service to the refrigerant and controls
shall be provided through a single
access panel at the front of the equip-
ment. Access to the refrigerant and
controls for the larger units shall be
provided through the front and side
access panels.
The unit shall contain a high efficiency
rotary, reciprocating, or scroll compres-
sor. External vibration isolation shall be
provided by rubber mounting devices
located underneath the mounting base
of the compressor. A second isolation
of the refrigeration assembly shall be
supported under the compressor
mounting base.
A thermostatic expansion valve shall be
factory selected and installed for a wide
range of control.
Drain Pan
All panels shall be insulated with
Internal thermal overload protection
shall be provided. Protection against
excessive discharge pressure shall be
provided by means of a high pressure
switch. A loss of charge shall be provid-
ed by a low pressure safety.
The condensate pan shall be construct-
ed of corrosion resistant material and
insulated to prevent sweating.The bot-
tom of the drain pan shall be sloped on
two planes which pitches the conden-
sate to the drain connection.The drain
pan shall be flame rated per UL945V-B.
1/2-inch (13mm) thick dual density
bonded glass fiber.The exposed side is
a high density erosion proof material
suitable for use in air streams up to
3600 feet per minute (FPM).The insula-
tion meets the erosion requirements of
UL 181. It has a flame spread of less
When the unit is installed and trapped
per the manufacturers installation man-
ual, and local city specifications, the
drain pan shall be designed to leave
puddles no more than 2-inch in diame-
ter, no more than 1/8-inch deep, no
longer than 3-minutes following Step 3
of the following test:
through configuration.They shall be
constructed of corrosion resistant gal-
vanized material.
delay fuses or HACR circuit breakers for
branch circuit protection from the pri-
mary source of power.
Basic Controls (option)
The unit control box shall contain all
necessary devices to allow heating and
cooling operation to occur from a
remote wall thermostat.These devices
shall be as follows:
The basic control package shall contain
a low and high pressure switch along
with a compressor lockout relay for
control assistance. High voltage power
connections shall be made at the equip-
ments contactor. An optional conden-
sate overflow detection device shall be
made available with this control pack-
age. Each device shall be factory
mounted, wired, and tested in the
1. Temporarily plug the drain pan.
2. Fill the drain pan with 1/2-inch of
water or the maximum allowed by
the drain pan depth, whichever is
• 24 VAC energy limiting class II
50 VA (minimum) transformer
• 24 VAC blower motor relay
24 VAC compressor contactor for
compressor control
3. Remove the temporary plug.
Water-to-Refrigerant Heat
Deluxe Controls (option)
• Field thermostat connections shall
be provided for ease of hook-up to
a terminal strip located in the unit’s
control box
The deluxe control package shall pro-
vide a 75 VA transformer with circuit
breaker.The controller shall include a
lockout relay, anti-short cycle compres-
sor protection, random start delay,
brown-out protection, low pressure
time delay, compressor delay on start
and an open relay for night setback or
pump request.
The water-to-refrigerant heat exchanger
shall be of a high quality co-axial coil
for maximum heat transfer.The copper
or optional cupro-nickel coil shall be
deeply fluted to enhance heat transfer
and minimize fouling and scaling.The
coil shall have a working pressure of
400 psig on both the refrigerant and
water sides.The factory shall provide
rubber isolation to the heat exchanging
device to enhance sound attenuation.
• Lockout relay which controls
cycling of the compressor shall be
provided to protect the compressor
during adverse operating condi-
tions.The device may be reset by
interrupting power to the 24 VAC
control circuit. Reset may be done
either at a remote thermostat or
through a momentary main power
Optional wiring from the factory for
night setback, condensate overflow, hot
gas reheat, electric heat, and compres-
sor enable shall also be provided.Three
LEDs (light emitting diodes) shall also
be included for diagnostics of the
Indoor Fan
The blower shall be a forward-curved
style wheel with four speed combina-
tions, or nine blower motor/sheave
combinations available.
• A high pressure switch shall protect
the compressor against operation
at refrigerant system pressures
exceeding 395 psig.
Tracer ZN510 or ZN524
Controller (option)
All direct drive motors shall have
sealed bearings that do not require
field lubrication.
This system shall utilize factory fur-
nished and mounted DDC controls for
operation of up to 120 units on a Comm
5 (LonMark) link.TheTracer ZN510 con-
trol package shall include a 75 VA trans-
former.The controller shall provide ran-
dom start delay, heating/cooling status,
occupied/unoccupied mode, fan status
and filter maintenance options.
• The low-water temperature switch
or sensor shall prevent the
compressor operation with leaving
water temperatures below
20 F/-6 C.
Options of the blower motor/fan pack-
ages shall be selected and wired from
the factory to match performance crite-
ria suggested in the performance sec-
tion.The motor shall contain a quick
disconnect plug for service, convertibili-
ty and safety precautions.
• Factory installed wire harness shall
be available for the Basic, Deluxe,
ZN510 and ZN524 control packages.
Optional wiring from the factory for
condensate overflow shall be available.
Nameplate information shall be provid-
ed for the application of either time-
The fan(s) shall be placed in a draw-
Three LEDs (light emitting diodes) shall
be included for diagnostics of the
the cooling cycle.The reverse acting
valve shall open in response to a
decrease in suction pressure during the
heating cycle. Water regulating valves
shall be used where low flow, or low or
high fluid temperature conditions exist.
occurred due to the entering water tem-
perature falling below 55 F with an
adjustable range between 25 F to 60 F.
The ZN510 shall be capable of a stand-
alone application, or as applied to a full
building automation installation.
All power connections to the electric
heat shall be made in the equipment’s
This accessory shall be used with open- control box.
loop systems.
Tracer ZN524 Controller (option)
Hot Gas Reheat (option)
Economizing Coil (GEH option)
The ZN524 controller shall utilize facto-
Dehumidification shall be provided
through a hot gas reheat option.The
coil shall consist of 3/8"/1/2" copper
tubes mechanically expanded into
ry furnished and mounted DDC controls The waterside economizing package
for operation of up to 120 units on a
Comm 5 (LonMark) link.TheTracer
ZN524 control package shall include a
75 VA (minimum) transformer.The con-
troller shall provide random start delay,
heating/cooling status, occupied/unoc-
shall be an external unit accessory pre-
piped and pre-wired ready for turn-key
installation to the unit.The economizing evenly spaced aluminum fins. All coils
coil shall be designed to perform with
the WSHP at unit measured flow rate of
80.6 F DB/66.2 F WB with 45 F EWT.
shall be proof and leak tested.The
proof test must be performed at 1.5
time the maximum operating pressure
and the leak test performed at the max-
imum operating pressure.
cupied mode, fan status and filter main- All hydronic coils shall be of 5/8" cop-
tenance options. Optional wiring from
the factory for condensate overflow
shall be available.Three LEDs (light
emitting diodes) shall be included for
diagnostics of the equipment.
per and aluminum plate fin combina-
tion. All coils shall be proof and leak
tested from the manufacturer.The proof
test shall be performed at 1.5 times the
maximum operating pressure and the
leak test at the maximum operating
Ball Valves (option)
Ball valves shall be field installed
between the unit and the supply and
return lines of the loop to stop water
flow to the unit in a maintenance or
service situation.
The ZN524 shall be capable of a stand-
alone application, or as applied to a full
building automation installation.
With this controller, the unit shall be
capable of a hot gas reheat (for dehu-
A dual sloped non corrosive drain pan
shall be easily accessible and cleanable
for the hydronic economizing coil.
Motorized Water Valve (option)
When extreme fluid temperature condi-
tions do not exist with an open loop
system, a motorized water valve shall
be applied to each water-source heat
pump.The motorized valve shall stop
flow to the unit, causing pressures to
rise.This rise in pressure will halt pump
operation to provide greater energy
savings of the entire system.
midification), boilerless control for elec- An electronic two-position, 3-way valve
tric heat, waterside economizing, and
support of variable speed pump control
shall meter water flow to the economiz-
ing coil during the economizing mode.
It shall be factory set to energize the
economizing mode at 55 F, while simul-
taneously halting mechanical operation
of the compressor.
Orifice Ring
Removal of the motor and fan wheel
for the 1/2 through 5-ton units shall be
made with the assistance of a factory
provided orifice ring device.This device
shall attach the wheel and motor to the
fan housing in one assembly providing
single side service access.
Hanging brackets with rubber isolation
shall be provided for the horizontal ver-
sion of the economizing coil option.The
bracket design shall be the same
throughout the equipment.
Pump Module (option)
The pump module shall be a complete
self contained pumping package for an
earth-coupled heat pump system.
The module shall consist of a single,
1/6-HP bronze pump, and a brass 3-way
shut-off valve.These kits shall contain
the necessary components for the
installation, operation, and mainte-
nance of the water circuit of a closed-
loop distributed pumping application.
Electric Heat (option)
Water Regulating Valve
Assembly (option)
The water regulating valve assembly
shall consist of a direct acting valve and
a reverse acting valve.The direct acting
valve shall open in response to an
increase in discharge pressure during
Boilerless control electric heat shall be
factory wired and tested. It shall be
composed of a nichrome open wire coil
designed for 2-kW per unit ton.The
design consist of a single stage of elec-
tric heat used as a primary heating
source when compressor lockout has
Hoses (option)
Hoses shall consist of a stainless steel
outer braid with an inner core of tube
made of a nontoxic synthetic polymer
material.The hoses shall be suitable for
water temperatures ranging between 33
F and 211 F without the use of glycol.
Automatic Flow Devices (option)
The automatic flow kit shall contain a
Hays Mesurflo® automatic flow control
valve, two ball valves, two flexible
hoses, a high flowY-strainer, and may
include a strainer blow-down and vari-
ous other accessories.
The automatic flow control valve shall
be factory set to a rated flow, and shall
automatically control the flow to within
10% of the rated value over a 40 to 1
differential pressure, operating range (2
to 80 PSID). Operational temperature
shall be rated from fluid freezing, to
225-degrees F.The valve body shall be
constructed from hot forged brass UNS
C37700 per ASTM B-283 latest revision.
For more information pertaining to the
automatic balancing hose kits, see liter-
ature documentation
Literature Order Number
TheTrane Company
An American Standard Company
Stocking Location
Electronic Only
Since theTrane Company has a policy of continuous product and product data
improvement, it reserves the right to change design and specifications without
For more information, contact
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e-mail us at comfort@trane.com
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